Creating a network of highly & fully protected MPAs in 30% of UK waters
Greenpeace is an international organisation that has been voicing the most pressing environmental challenges of our planet since 1971. Particularly in the ocean protection space, Greenpeace have a strong, credible and respected voice, a large supporter base, and years of campaigning experience and successes in fighting overfishing, oil drilling and empowering small-scale fishers.
With funding from The Becht Foundation , Greenpeace are campaigning to establish a network of highly or fully protected MPAs in the UK waters. The UK is seen as a global leader in the ocean protection space, with 29.25% of its national waters protected. However, not only are these MPAs ineffectively implemented, destructive fishing practices such as bottom trawling are also allowed which continues to decimate the unique biodiversity of the UK waters. Creating a network of highly and fully protected MPAs will allow biodiversity to recover which will result in a bountiful harvest for the future, the spill over effect of which is a win-win situation for our oceans and the fishing communities that depend on it. The first step in achieving this will be a ban on supertrawlers that are currently legally allowed to fish within UK MPAs.