Increasing ocean protection by 15% (4 million sq km) towards the goal of 30 by 30, whilst ensuring sustainable economic development through TNC’s Blue Bonds
Protecting 30% of the ocean by 2030 is the scientifically determined target to help marine ecosystems recover and fish populations bounce back, thereby securing livelihoods, food security and health of our planet. Proper implementation of MPAs (Marine Protected Areas) is as important as designating them, as it is the effective implementation, management and enforcement that delivers the win-win benefits. However, many countries face the chronic hurdles of lack of sustainable financing. Moreover, for protections to be long-lasting, planning in collaboration with multiple stakeholders (such as governments, fishing communities and tourism) is key.
TNC’s Blue Bonds for Ocean Conservation supports island and coastal nations to refinance their national debt and create long-term sustainable financing for ocean protection and improved management, which also brings benefits for sustainable economic development, and climate change.
The Becht Foundation is supporting them towards achieving the target of protecting an additional 4 million sq km by 2025. The following video explains how Blue Bonds work to protect our oceans whilst securing interests of the people who depend on them: